Located in Clubhouse 2,
Leisure World of Maryland
When We're Open
Mon - Fri 11 AM - 5 PM
Sat - 2 PM - 4 PM
Sunday - Closed
(Subject to Monitor on Duty)
We need people like you to volunteer at the Center. You don't have to be a computer nerd — just willing to help.
The Technology Resources Center is staffed entirely by volunteers who are recruited from the population of Leisure World. Most of our volunteers serve as monitors who donate several hours a week to supervise the center.
Volunteers may also provide assistance to visitors and perform other services such as equipment installation and maintenance. Some monitors offer technical support during their stints in the center.
Monitors may choose to volunteer in the center as often or as seldom as they wish. Schedules are developed before beginning of each month, and volunteers may choose the time slots that are most convenient for them.

Volunteers may also be asked to help with educational sessions and clinics in the center as
the need arises.

Leisure World Tech, Inc., is chartered as an organization that serves the Leisure World of Maryland community.
Suggested Links:
Volunteer Form
Monitor Schedule
Monitor Information